Top 10 Most Common Fitness Myths to Avoid

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Did you know it’s not normal to exercise? No one in the stone age went for a five-mile jog to get fit or lifted weights just for the goal of being lifted.

It seems like there’s a fitness myth being spread online every day. Some are apparent hoaxes, and others are based on bad science. The most common myths are the most difficult to bust. The key is to separate fact from fiction and to find reliable sources.

Numerous fitness myths are floating around; it’s hard to know what’s true and what’s not. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the top 10 most common fitness myths. This way, you can separate the facts from the fiction!


10 Most Common Fitness Myths

The most common fitness myths are passed down from person to person and from book to book, and they can be hard to shake. That’s why it’s so important to separate fact from fiction and seek out reputable fitness resources.

Myth 1: Working out requires you to be in excellent physical condition.

Myth 1. Working out requires you to be in excellent physical condition.

This is a common misconception, says Melisa Fuentes, CSCS, CSBN, owner of Body by Melisa in New York City. Being in shape doesn’t mean you’re ready to work out. You have to breathe, move, and break down the movements into smaller pieces before you start. Some exercises are more accessible to perform in a fit state than others.

Anyone can work toward better fitness and health, no matter where they are in their journey. That’s not the case. You don’t have to be in shape, and you have to show up. The most important thing is to show up.


Myth 2: You need a lot of equipment to work out. 

Myth 2. You need a lot of equipment to work out. 

This myth is perpetuated by gyms that want you to spend a lot of money on equipment. But you don’t need a lot of equipment to work out. A barre, a set of dumbbells, a mat, and a resistance band are all you need to get started. And if you already have equipment at home, you can use that, too!

It’s essential to have the right equipment for your workout, but it’s not necessary to have a lot of it, Many people buy home gyms, but they end up collecting a lot of useless equipment that takes up space and adds cost. The best approach is to buy the best equipment for your budget and needs and to make sure you have a solid workout plan to follow.

Hint: It doesn’t have to include a lot of equipment for you to get a great workout.


Myth 3: You have to follow a specific workout plan to see results. 

Myth 3. You have to follow a specific workout plan to see results. 

This is another misconception that is often perpetuated by gyms. You don’t have to follow a plan to see results. You can use any bodyweight, dumbbell, or barre workout to achieve results. You can see results from any exercise if you are consistent and work hard. The key is to find the plan that fits your lifestyle and to work hard. Hint: You don’t have to go to the gym to work out! You can do a ton of different workouts at home and see results.


Myth 4. You need a particular type of protein to build muscle. 

Myth 4. You need a particular type of protein to build muscle. 

This one is one of the most persistent fitness myths, and it’s false. There’s no such thing as ‘muscle-building protein’ or ‘fat-burning protein.’ The only protein that matters is the protein you eat every day.

Muscle is made with a mix of protein, carbs, water, and oxygen. Carbs are where protein is stored and used, and protein helps keep you energized and gives you that all-important muscle tone. The body needs protein to survive, and it’s easy to digest protein. So eat as much protein as you want. The tricky part is making sure that protein is high-quality and part of a balanced diet.


Myth 5. You need a lot of time to work out. 

Myth 5. You need a lot of time to work out. 

The more time you have, the better. If you got five minutes to spare, go for it. If you have an hour, that’s even better. You do not have to spend lots of time at the gym to get a great workout. There’s a common misconception that working out at the gym is the only way to get a great workout.

This is far from the truth! You can do great exercise at home, too. Just make sure you have a solid workout plan and a commitment to yourself.

Hint: The time you invest in working out is only a fraction of your time working a day job or managing your responsibilities.

You have to find a workout that works for you and make it a part of your routine.

Hint: The only thing that matters is to show up. Workout time doesn’t have to take up a lot of time. You can fit in a quick workout at the end of the day or in the middle of a busy schedule.


Myth 6. It’s a must to go to the gym to get a six-pack. 

Myth 6. It's a must to go to the gym to get a six-pack. 

While working out is a great way to get a six-pack, it’s not the only way. A six-pack results from a healthy diet and regular exercise, not just working out. You can build muscle, lose weight, and tone your abdominal muscles without ever stepping foot into a gym.

It’s not about how much you work out; it’s about how much you work the right muscles. Your body will respond to the resistance and stress you put on it, and that will determine your results. You can see results from any workout if you are consistent and work hard. The key is to find the plan that fits your lifestyle and to work hard.


Myth 7. You need to work out five days a week to see results.  

Myth 7. You need to work out five days a week to see results.  

This is another persistent fitness myth. You can see results from any training if you are consistent and work hard. You don’t need to work out five days a week to see results. You can work out even three days a week and still see results.

Hint: You don’t have to go to the gym to work out! You can do a ton of varying workouts at home and see results.


Myth 8. You need to watch what you eat.  

Myth 8. You need to watch what you eat.  

Many people think the best way to see results is to eat less and work out more. You can eat smaller portions and still see results. You can eat better and lose weight without working out at the gym.

Portion control is not the most significant barrier. It’s hard to eat a small amount of food and still feel satisfied and full. And even though you may not see the results you want, you will feel better than you ever have.

The most significant barrier is inactivity. Just because you have a smaller portion, you won’t see results. To build muscles, you need to work. The key is to work out hard and consistently.


Myth 9. You need to be flexible to work out.  

Myth 9. You need to be flexible to work out.  

Flexibility isn’t necessary to get a great workout. You can work out just as hard and see great results without being super flexible. The most significant barrier is inactivity. Just because you can’t touch your toes or make a bunch of different moves doesn’t mean you’re not working out. You can see results from any workout if you are consistent and work hard.

Hint: You can get strong without being super flexible.


Myth 10. Working out is only for the gym junkies.  

Myth 10. Working out is only for the gym junkies.  

Working out isn’t just for the gym junkies. It is all about finding a workout plan that works for you and finding a way to make it part of your routine. You can work out in a park or at the gym — a workout that you enjoy and that fits into your schedule. You can work out at home and still see results.



1. Which piece of fitness equipment do you think is the best?

The jump rope is the best piece of equipment, and it’s also the cheapest. It improves cardiovascular health while also toning the upper body. Nothing else even comes close to that.


2. Before working out, should I consume something, such as an energy bar?

You can work out on an empty stomach to burn the most calories and fat. An energy bar will assist you in achieving maximum athletic performance.


3. How so much time do warm-up exercises take?

Warming up entails stretching activities and maintaining a heart rate of 60 per cent of the maximum heart rate. In general, somewhere between 5 and 15 minutes is good. The longer your warm-up should be, the colder the weather.


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Working out is about working out with other people. Working out is about working out for you. It’s about finding a workout that you enjoy to motivate you to show up. It can be about working out with other people or doing it solo. Working out is a bonding experience. Working out is about the people you’re working with. You should be able to enjoy an exercise session with friends, family, or a partner.

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