Can A Hard Mattress Cause Back Pain

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If you’ve ever wondered if a hard mattress can cause back pain, studies suggest that the answer is “yes.” Although many citizens feel that very firm mattresses are better for sore backs, new evidence contradicts this belief.

If a mattress is too firm for your body type and weight, you may be forcing your spine out of alignment when you sleep. This article will inform you how to know if the mattress is firm and how to soften it.


What happens if you have a too-hard mattress?

hard mattress?

If you have a too firm mattress, you might wake up with back or joint pain in the morning. The reason for this is that each one of us has a slightly different body shape and weight.

An overly hard mattress will not support your body form and weight adequately. This means that your spine and joints won’t be getting any support, which could cause back pain and discomfort. Overall, you won’t get as good a night’s sleep as if you had a mattress that correctly supported your body shape and weight.

A too-firm mattress can be a common problem for many people and cause discomfort. There are several reasons you might think your mattress is too firm and affecting your back.


4 Warning Signs That Your Mattress Is Too Hard

If you’re having trouble sleeping at night or waking up with body aches and pains, your mattress may be too hard. We outline 4 signs that could point to a firmer mattress being the problem.


1. It will not fit your physique in any way.

If your mattress is too hard, your back will be in a more contorted position, which means you aren’t getting the support and alignment you need during the night.

A healthy spine requires the right pressure balance to remain neutral while you sleep. If you wake up with a sore back after a night of tossing and turning, your mattress is probably too firm for you.


2. If you wake up exhausted.

If your mattress is tough, you may twist and turn at night, unable to find a comfortable position. It’s unlikely you’re getting a full night’s sleep. You might be having restless nights and wake up exhausted.


3. If your arms tingle or feel numb.

Finding a comfortable mattress might be challenging if you have tingling or feeling numb in the arms and hands. A hard mattress does not adapt to your body and relieves pressure in the places of the mattress where you interact with it the most.

The result is that the body is forced to spend more energy to compensate for this lack of comfort. This might result in numbness due to decreased circulation in the affected body areas.


4. If you awake with back, shoulder, or neck ache.

Your mattress is likely too rough if you awake with back, shoulders, or neck pain. This can cause additional discomfort that can make it harder to get up and start your day!


5 Ways for Softening a firm Mattress-

Softening a firm Mattress

It could be more comfortable whether you have a brand-new, top-of-the-line mattress that feels too firm for your liking or an older mattress.

So, if you’re tired of getting only a few hours of sleep a night due to an uncomfortable mattress, try out our five mattress softening suggestions.


1. Break-in the mattress

When you purchase a new best mattress, you may feel it firm because they haven’t been slept on yet. The mattress’s material will affect how long the mattress takes to break in and soften.

For instance, memory foam mattresses often need 1-3 months to fully adjust and break in as they are less likely to change shape or form over time. Most spring mattresses might take around 1 month, while latex mattresses could take 1-to 2 weeks to soften up.


2. Use a bed base to support your mattress.

If you want to soften the firmness of your current mattress, adding a bed base is another way to achieve a softer sleep surface. But when choosing your bed frame, don’t just focus on softening your mattress.

You should also consider the type of support it will provide in addition to achieving softness. Bed bases are available in two forms–box springs and bed slats. Both can be used to soften a too-firm mattress.


3. Add a Mattress Topper.

A mattress topper can be another way for you to soften the firmness of your mattress. A mattress topper is simply a mattress pad placed on the existing mattress.

It is designed to offer added padding and comfort while sleeping. They are available in memory foam and fiberfill to choose between two different sleeping experiences.


4. Rotate the mattress.

If your new mattress is firm, you can soften it by rotating it. The softness of a mattress can be controlled by regular rotation.

Rotating your mattress is a cheap and straightforward way to help keep your mattress comfortable for years to come. Rotate or flip your mattress every 3 to 6 months if you sleep on it regularly.


5. Make Temperature Adjustments.

If you’re sleeping on a memory foam mattress and it’s too firm, you may want to consider raising the thermostat in your room. This is because the temperature impacts the deformation of this kind of bed.

You’ll notice that heating this sort of foam material softens it. So, if your room is cool, this will help get the memory foam to contour to the shape of your body as you rest at night.


Frequently asked questions

Q1:- How long would a body take to adapt to a new mattress?

Ans:- The body can take upto 3-6 weeks to adapt to the change because your body has adapted to the previous mattress. It may take some time to adapt again after getting a new one.


Q2:- Do hard mattresses become soft over a period?

Ans:- Well, every mattress will begin to soften and conform more to the shape of your body. The length of time your mattress takes to break in depends on the quality. The average mattress will take around 50-60 days before reaching the most optimal comfort level.


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Wrapping Up

In conclusion, sleeping on a hard mattress may cause back pain. Fortunately, there are ways to make the firm mattresses cozier by softening them.

Softening the mattress can help maintain its longevity. However, you don’t need to overdo it, or your back might suffer for not standing up to the challenge of a firmer mattress. Give yourself time to get used to a new mattress, and you won’t be sorry.

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