How To Choose Mattress For Back Pain

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A person has three important pillars in life: family, willpower, and a healthy spine. The first two we can create, work, and the third is hidden inside us, and controlling the state of the pillar of the whole body is problematic. We often start thinking about the spine’s health when we hear the first “calls” about its problems.

The reasons for the usual crunch in the neck, back pain, numbness of the arm or leg, “shooting” in the lower back, and other unpleasant sensations are in the spine and its different departments. At all times, and the rich, who at night drowned in soft, lush feathers, and the poor, who slept on hard benches, ached in the mornings of the back, flowing neck, broken shoulders.

A sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, inferior night rest make our contemporaries sniff out back pain. But the 20th century gave everyone a luxurious gift – an orthopedic mattress. If you choose the right model for yourself, many problems will be solved. First of all, an anatomically comfortable sleeper will be an excellent prevention of spinal diseases. And if they have already appeared, it will help relieve the condition and prevent the development of the disease.


  1. General rules for choosing a mattress
  2. High rigidity of the mattress
  3. Low stiffness
  4. Average stiffness
  5. The most common causes of back pain
  6. Which mattress to choose in the back pain of different nature


General rules for choosing a mattress

General rules for choosing a mattress

The term “orthopedic” has been on the ear for several decades. Such a mattress causes respect and trust, but not everyone really is. Unfortunately, there are no benchmarks and evaluation criteria that would immediately determine the presence of anatomical properties and the “degree of orthopedic” of the product. In addition, the importance of individual characteristics of each person, and if there are health problems – you need to take into account the doctor’s recommendations.

Buy orthopedic mattresses need only a bona fide manufacturer, supplying to the market products of high quality.

Among the large variety of models of orthopedic mattresses, you need to choose for yourself a product of optimal rigidity because it depends on the convenience and quality of sleep. The degrees of rigidity are three:


High stiffness

Some “connoisseurs”-osteopaths insist that you need to sleep exclusively on a hard mattress in case of back pain, and it is better in general on a wide board. Dangerous delusion will provoke aggravation of the disease, posture will not correct, and sleep normally will not allow.

The hard surface does not support the lumbar section. Presses on the hips and shoulders force the spine to take an unnatural posture. The brain, receiving signals of discomfort, gives the team muscles to support the body in the right position. Excessive pressure on the tissues compressed blood vessels and deprived the ability to provide internal organs and brain oxygen. Fully sleep in such conditions will not succeed, and the spine will get an additional load.

In moderation, hard mattresses are recommended for adolescents who have not completed the formation of the skeleton, people with pain in the cervical and pelvic spine, or fans to sleep on the abdomen.


Low stiffness

A too-soft mattress cannot provide the spine comfortable sleeping position; it bends strongly and shows a picture similar to the previous description. Muscles are tense during sleep; the circulatory system is additionally loaded due to the wrong position of the body.

Soft mattresses showed to the elderly, as well as those who have vascular disease. Conveniently on moderately soft The product will sleep for those who have problems with the lumbar spine and who like to sleep on their side.


Average stiffness

This surface allows the mattress to bend under the heavy parts of the body – shoulders, and hips; body weight is distributed evenly. The spine is kept in a comfortable, even position. A mattress that repeats the anatomical contours of the body is most acceptable for people suffering from back pain. It relieves tension from the spine’s problem areas during sleep, allowing the muscular corset to relax without pressing the bloodstream.

Useful on medium-hard mattresses sleep to those who have thoracic spine disease, as well as supporters sleeping on their backs.

In addition to supporting the body and guaranteeing comfortable sleep, a quality orthopedic mattress has a beneficial effect on the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine system and increases immunity.


The most common causes of back pain

The most common causes of back pain

It is difficult to find an adult who would not have osteochondrosis, and young people and older people suffer from it. The cause of 80% of all kinds of back pain is this insidious disease. With a frivolous attitude to the symptoms of the disease, the consequences can be dire; 10% of patients are sent to the operating table, everyone else needs treatment.

In osteochondrosis, it ceases to function normally intervertebral discs, then deforms the bodies of the vertebrae, ligaments, joints. A degenerative disc change can occur in any section of the spinal column. Since the cervical and thoracic areas are the most affected, they suffer in the first place. In third place in the prevalence is the lumbar department.

Some of the unpleasant sensations characteristic of osteochondrosis are eliminated or relieved if a person picks up a proper orthopedic mattress. With its support, the shooting, nagging pain after daytime exercise will be reduced. The symptoms of a neurological nature will be relieved – muscle tension in the affected department, goosebumps or tingling, violation of freedom of movement.

Orthopedists believe that the best option in the presence of osteochondrosis will be a mattress with a block of independent springs medium stiffness, supplemented by a layer of foam memorial. The more weight a person has, the greater the number of springs should be on 1 sq m.

  • If the weight of the future owner is less than 90 kg, 256 pieces per 1 sq m is enough, for example, as in mattresses, PERSON START FIRST MASCON BALANCE FORMAPROMTEX-ORIENT SOFT STANDARD SIDE, And others.
  • Weighing between 90 and 120 kg, it is better to buy a mattress with 550 springs per sq m. The mattress will not allow the displacement of the vertebrae during sleep, will relieve discomfort.

In more serious lesions or injuries in the intervertebral space, a hernia is formed. This is the part of the disk, which has left the correct physiological position, located between the vertebrae. It compresses nerve endings, which are very much in the spine. A person experiences severe pain.

Suffering from such a disease, the patient, before buying an anatomical mattress, must consult with an orthopedist. It is important to consider the localization of hernia and ensure the body position without bends during sleep. The correct orthopedic mattress will support the pelvis, limbs, neck, and head and distribute the body weight in the right order. The displacement of discs in sleep will not happen, the pain syndrome will be eliminated.

Spinal hernias are recommended mattresses with a resilient supportive effect. You can’t use crushed products, old-style springs, or Bonnel-type dependent blocks.

Back pain provokes other problems of the musculoskeletal system. They should be taken into account when choosing a new mattress.


Which mattress to choose in the back pain of different nature

The causes of pain are different diseases, and the recommendations of selecting the mattress also differ from each other. Be careful in the problem of the spine and the cause of the discomfort, visit the doctor of the appropriate profile, it is desirable to do an MRI problem area and the entire spine. Based on the diagnosis and prescriptions, choose a mattress.

  • In the case of osteochondrosis – a mattress is required medium stiffness with the block Independent springs. Suitable products from natural latex, natural latex, plus a layer of coconut copra. A good bedroom will be a bed equipped with a frameless mattress made of foam with memory effect (memory) and foam, supplemented with a layer of natural material – a squint cobra;
  • intervertebral hernia – desirable anatomical mattress with a block of independent springs covered with memories foam. It will remove muscle tone well, maintain the correct shape of the spine;
  • P pinching of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) causes severe pain in the lumbar-sacrum spine, giving in the limb and spreading to the entire back. People suffering from such attacks are advised to sleep on a mattress with High or low stiffness. Moderately soft product of latex or foam memory will take the shape of the body, eliminate tension in the muscles, soothe the pain;
  • radiculitis or radiculopathy is caused by the pinching of nerve roots in the lower spine. The lower back area hurts, movement is obstructed, the sensitivity of nearby tissues is disturbed. To relieve the condition, a mattress with independent springs with a high density of 1 sq.m. Point support will be beneficial for radiculitis;
  • scoliosis or curvature of the spine is corrected Hard or medium-tough Mattress. The best bed will be a bed of a plate of coconut copra, placed based on latex natural or artificial;
  • arthritis is a disease of the joints, which include the vertebrae. It will facilitate the condition of a sick person mattress with a block of independent high-density springs of a type “multipack” with density 1000 springs bed or “micro-pack” with 2000 springs to the sleeper.

For people who have suffered trauma or are recovering from spinal surgery, doctors recommend sleeping on the hard mattress of coke coyrait promotes rapid recovery and rehabilitation.

For a healthy person, the best orthopedic mattress will be the one that meets his notion of comfort and keeps the spine in the right position during sleep. Listen to yourself, use the services of a reliable manufacturer and let the problems of the spine bypass you.

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