How Multivitamins Help In Boosting Immunity? (5 Immunity Booster Tablets)

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To ensure good Immunity you must take a sufficient amount of natural nutrients from foods because our body alone cannot create them. But people today have little time and resources to plan a balanced diet and include it in their daily routine. Therefore, multivitamins can help bridge the gap between a bad diet and nutritional health.

From colourful pills, powders and injectables to chewy gummies in the shapes of cartoons, multivitamins are available in many forms.

Let’s take a look at why exactly multivitamins are so important in strengthening Immunity as well as the function different vitamins have in this process.


How Do Multivitamins Work?

Multivitamins are dietary supplements. Despite the name, they not only consist of vitamins but also minerals and sometimes extra ingredients. Vitamins have several functions and one of them is activating your immune cells to fight against pathogens.

Our bodies have some immunity barriers such as the skin, our bodily fluids and cells. Multivitamins can help develop and regulate all of these.

The quality and quantity of the vitamins are deciding factors of how systematically your immune response functions. Bioavailability, which is the amount of vitamins present in blood circulation, varies with age and lifestyle.

There have been reports of vitamins A, B, C, D and E for their vital importance in enhancing the innate immune system.

Now let us look at how different vitamins can help prevent unpleasant illnesses.


5 Immunity Booster Tablets

1. Vitamin A For Immunity

Vitamin A

The Vitamin A, also known as retinol, is a guardian of your body’s natural defences. Vitamin A protects mucus integrity in the body, protects epithelium (a layer of skin). Vitamin A is proven to be anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant.

It seems to have a healing and therapeutic effect on bodies fighting off infectious diseases.


2. Vitamin B Complex For Immunity

Vitamin B

Historically, the Vitamin B complex was categorized as a single Vitamin but later several distinctive compounds were found.

  1. VITAMIN B6: It includes enzymes that help organs carry out their distinctive features. B6 helps absorb B12 which in turn makes red blood cells for the immune system.
  2. Vitamin B9: It is responsible for the production of complex chemicals in the body such as proteins, blood cells and nerve tissues.
  3. Vitamin B12: Lactating women require lots of this Vitamin. It helps build the metabolism of every singular cell inside the body.


3. Vitamin C For Immunity

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an iron absorption compound and also an iron transporter for storage. This is why you should always get Vitamin C supplements with iron tablets. You can count on Vitamin C to cure your cold and infections as soon as possible. Since Vitamin C is always active in warding off infections, you can experience its deficiency for some time unless you take multivitamin supplements.


4. Vitamin D For Immunity

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is such an important substance that its shortage causes the immune system to go haywire and attack itself. This condition is known as autoimmunity. Vitamin D helps moderate innate cellular responses in the immune system. People living in areas with minimal sunshine might not get enough vitamin D.


5. Vitamin E for Immunity

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant like vitamin A. It hosts biochemical reactions that boost immunity at a cellular level. It helps the formation of red blood cells and absorption of vitamin K. Supplementary intake of Vitamin E can prove beneficial if taken during the development of AIDS. People take Vitamin E to keep their immune system up and running during aging and it shows significant results.

While any person without a good diet is better off taking multivitamins than not, you should still be careful about taking them unnecessarily and here’s why.


Word of Caution

Vitamins have 2 categories:

  1. Fat-Soluble Vitamins can be stored in our bodies. These are. B, A, D and K.
  2. Water-Soluble vitamins are C and all types of B vitamins with the exception of B12. They cannot be stored in the body. You need to consume them again and again.

Taking multivitamins when you cannot get these from their natural sources seems like a fair deal. It causes concern when taking them and you don’t actually need them.

Multivitamins generally have more than a 100% of your recommended dietary allowance. Your body might not digest or absorb it all. Your body gets rid of all extra water-soluble vitamins when you go to pee.

Megadoses of multivitamins might cause fat-soluble vitamins to build up and cause toxicity and other health problems. We’d recommend only taking multivitamins under a doctor’s prescription.


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Multivitamins play a major role in a healthily functioning immune system. Supplementary doses are incredibly helpful for people who might not have the resources to have a proper diet or those who simply do not have the time to think of their diets.

Multivitamins improve metabolism, immune cell response, protect your organs, give you the strength to fight off bacterial and viral infections and maintain Immunity barriers.

Do you think multivitamins are beneficial or just a waste of money? Do let us know.

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