10 Herbs for Hair Growth (Natural Herbs To Jumpstart Hair Growth)

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Hair fall can be stressful, losing strand upon strand of hair and running from pillar to post to find that one magical solution to make your hair stop falling and start growing again. If your search has now led you to the world of herbs and you want to learn about the best ones to use on your hair, you are at the right place!

In this article, we have mentioned the popular herbs known to help in hair growth. Packed with various benefits, the herbs can help get your hair recovery into motion; what else? We have also included information on how you can use them to make your job easier! So let’s dive right into it!


10 Best Herbs to look out for Hair Growth-

Herbs can easily be purchased in a market or even grown on your balcony! Before using any herbs on your scalp, you are advised to first perform a patch test on the back of your hand to confirm it’s not causing any irritation.

so let’s look at these ten wonder herbs-

Herb 1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Any talk about skin and hair care cannot be complete without mentioning the wonder herb- aloe vera. Aloe vera has been centuries used to curtail hair fall treat hair damage and dandruff.

Aloe Vera Gel helps balance the ph of your scalp leading to hair growth; it also prevents hair loss by acting as a natural conditioner for your hair, helping hydrate it and keep it soft and shiny! Its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe the scalp and boost the growth of hair follicles.

How to use Aloe Vera?

You can simply apply some aloe vera gel onto your scalp and massage it in for healthy hair!

For some homemade DIY, you can-

  • Scoop out the aloe vera gel from the leaf of an aloe vera plant and then boil it with 100 ml of water. After the mixture cools down, massage it onto your scalp.
  • Mix one tablespoon coconut oil with aloe vera gel and massage it onto your scalp to experience the best of both aloe vera and coconut oil!


Herb 2. Rose


The beautiful flowering herb is not just renowned for its aesthetics but also for the fantastic benefits it has on hair! Rose petals are anti-inflammatory and loaded with antioxidants that help reduce the scalp’s inflammation and promote hair growth. It also has antiseptic properties helping treat scalp infections.

How to use Rose?

You can apply rose water to your scalp by mixing it with castor oil and almond oil, be sure to add in a relaxing massage!

For some homemade DIY- 

You can follow the below-mentioned steps to create a rose water mix-

  1. Collect rose petals and wash them under water to remove any dirt
  2. Add 100 ml water into a pan and place it on the stove, toss in the rose petals and let the mixture boil.
  3. When the mixture has been reduced to half, please turn off the heat and let it cool down
  4. Apply this mixture to your scalp, leave it in for 20 minutes, and then wash it off.


Herb 3. Hibiscus


The pretty flowers of the hibiscus are beneficial in maintaining your hair health; they are filled with vitamins and antioxidants helpful in treating dandruff and improving your scalp health. They are used a lot in hair tonic as they contain vitamin c and amino acids, which can help hair growth and lead to thick hair!

How to use Hibiscus?

Add a few petals of hibiscus into your shampoo or conditioners to reap its benefits!

For some homemade DIY- 

You can follow the same steps as for the rose solution!

  1. Collect and clean some hibiscus leaves
  2. Boil them with water until the mixture gets thick and reduces to half of its quantity.
  3. Let it cool, and then massage it onto your hair, leaving it in for 20 minutes, and then wash it off!


Herb 4. Lavender


You might have seen lavender being used in candles and scents because the smell of lavender can be very soothing; you can use it even for reducing stress. Lavender has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and anti-microbial qualities helping it in soothing and stimulating the scalp to bring out new hair growth and strengthen the existing ones. It is an effective solution that you can use in treating the dry and flaky scalp, reducing dandruff.

How to use Lavender- 

you can simply take some lavender oil and massage it onto your scalp.

For some homemade DIY- take some lavender oil and mix it with a carrier oil like coconut, olive, etc. and then massage the mixture into your scalp; this will help soothe your scalp and also help you relax after a long day!


Herb 5. Ginseng


Ginseng is found in many hair care products because it boosts the hair cells and reduces the hair fall-inducing biomolecules! It helps slow down the death of hair cells hence helping reduce hair fall. It also helps stimulate blood circulation to the scalp aiding in hair growth.

How to use Ginseng? 

Mix a few drops of ginseng oil with olive oil and massage it onto your scalp. Let it sit in your hair for about half an hour, and then wash it off.


Herb 6. Rosemary


For Helping in reducing the thinning and balding of hair, rosemary has been used for generations in hair care. Rosemary oil can help reduce hair fall, leading to thicker beautiful hair! This herb is filled with moisturizing effects, which will help soothe dry and flaky scalps. Rosemary has also been used to prevent premature greying of hair.

How to use Rosemary?

You can take some rosemary oil and massage it onto your scalp or

For some DIY 

You can mix the rosemary oil with some coconut oil and apply it to your hair. Please leave it in for half an hour, then wash it off.


Herb 7. Peppermint 


Peppermint is a herb known for its anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, which help soothe the scalp, reduce inflammation, and fight infections. It helps boost the scalp’s blood circulation, providing more nourishment to the hair follicles and aiding in hair growth.

How to use peppermint? 

You can either apply some diluted peppermint oil to your scalp or

For some DIY 

You can mix a few drops of peppermint oil to coconut oil and then massage it onto your scalp, leave it in for around half an hour and then wash it off.


Herb 8. Henna


Ever seen your mom apply henna to her hair and wondered why she does that? Because henna is a herb rich in proteins and antioxidants, helping improve hair health and aiding new growth. Henna also helps soften the hair, prevent premature greying, and give it shine!

How to use henna?

  1. Take 8 tablespoons of henna and mix it with water; let the mixture stay overnight.
  2. To the mixture, now add lemon juice extracted for half lemon and a few drops of coconut oil
  3. Wear gloves and section your hair, and then apply the mixture to your roots
  4. Let it stay for half an hour, then wash it off.


Herb 9. Brahmi


Brahmi is a favorite of all ayurvedic hair care products; a herb has been used since ancient times. Brahmi helps enlarge the size of the hair follicles and improve blood circulation, hence aiding in the growth of new hair.

How to use Brahmi?

You can apply Brahmi oil to your hair or

For some DIY 

You can mix Brahmi oil with a few drops of almond or coconut oil and then massage it to your scalp.


Herb 10. Bhringraj


Bhringraj, by modulating the hair follicles growth cycle, helps prevent hair fall. It helps treat dry and itchy scalp by soothing it and helps improve blood flow, meaning more nutrients for your hair, leading to more hair growth!

How to use Bhringraj?

Mix two tablespoons of bhringraj oil with two tablespoons of castor oil and massage it on your scalp. Leave it on for half an hour, and then wash it off!



1. Why should I massage my scalp while applying any herb or oil? 

Massaging your scalp helps increase the blood circulation in your scalp and increases blood flow to your hair follicles; as blood is filled with nutrients, these reach your hair follicles, helping them gain nutrients and grow healthier, stronger hair.


2. Can I apply oil to wet hair?

Yes, applying oil to wet hair will not cause any damage; it will instead help reduce frizz and provide nourishment. You can also touch up your strands after your hair dries out to make it shinier.


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many of the herbs mentioned in this article have been used in hair care since ancient times; herbs are an all-natural and effective way to aid in healthy hair growth and achieve stronger and more beautiful strands.

With this article, you now know the benefits that various herbs [provide and also know the DIY methods you can use to prepare products out of these herbs to apply to your hair! Use these methods twice per week or according to your needs to see effective results!

Let us know in the comments which point you found to be most helpful!

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