Lemon For Hair: Benefits, Uses, Precautions

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Your hair reflects your identity, both personal and public. Hair color, length, and texture are the essential parts that worry most. Grooming hair is a lot of hustle and not so budget-friendly these days.

So here is a miracle fruit that can solve most of your hair problems – ‘Lemon.’

Most popular hair remedies at home include the use of lemon. Apart from its benefits in improving your skin, it does a great job grooming your hair.

This article will enlighten you on using the lemon to its full potential without much hustle. So keep reading!


Why choose lemon?


  • The citrus fruit lemon is a rich source of vitamin c and vitamin b.
  • The folic acid content enhances hair growth.
  • Essential minerals in lemon play a crucial role in achieving long and thick hair.
  • The antibacterial and anti-fungal property of lemon prevents dandruff and flaky scalp.
  • When hair gets exposed to sunlight, the use of lemon can lighten up your hair. It is because of the oxidizing property of lemon that it acts as a bleaching agent.
  • The hydrocarbon limonene present in lemon can add extra shine to your hair.
  • The acidic content in lemon acts as a boon; it gets rid of excess scalp oil.


Benefits of lemon for hairs


Let’s now see the benefits of lemon in brief.

1. Promotes hair growth:

Hair Growth

Vitamin c content in lemon is high. Collagen production is promoted by vitamin C, which helps in hair growth. Also, the acidic nature of lemon makes it beneficial for growing hairs as it unclogs the hair follicles and even stimulates the dormant ones.


2. Regulates oil secretion:

The usage of lemon can prevent an oily scalp. Though sebum, the oil secreted by our scalp, protects the hair, excess oil secretion can be a problem. Lemon helps in maintaining the ph by regulating the overproduction of sebum.

Conditions like seborrheic dermatitis are cured using lemon juice on your hair. It helps absorb the excess oil and works for all hair types.


3. Prevents dandruff and flaky scalp:

Stop Dandruff

The citric acid content in lemon proves to be beneficial in treating dandruff. It helps get rid of the excess dirt accumulation on your scalp.


4. Natural hair lightener:

Lemon, the miracle fruit, is also counted among the natural hair lighteners.

The pigment responsible for your hair colour – melanin, is reduced due to the oxidizing property of lemon. It is a natural bleach; the lightning accelerates when hair is exposed to sunlight.

  • Replenish locks and give shine to your hair. The folic acid and citric acid content of lemon juice control the oiliness of hair, leaving your hair length smooth and shiny.
  • Apart from using lemon directly on your hair, intake of lemon juice can also be beneficial as it is rich in vitamin c. By now, we know the multiple benefits of vitamin c in our hair grooming, so you may want to think that lemon juice intake will surely provide you lustrous hair along with skin benefits. And that’s true indeed!


How to use lemon to benefit your hair?


Lemon when added with other wholesome ingredients can do wonders. Check out different ways of including it in your haircare regime.

1. Lemon juice and Aloe vera gel:

Lemon juice and Aloe vera gel

Make a mixture of two tablespoons lemon juice and one tbsp aloe vera gel. Massage the mixture on your scalp and along the length. After keeping it for 20 minutes, rinse it off.

Apart from the benefits of lemon, aloe vera gel is also bestowed with many advantages. It contains fatty acids, vitamins, and essential amino acids which act as a natural moisturizing agent as well as keep your hair healthy by stopping fungal growth on your scalp.


2. Lemon, egg, and henna:

Make a mixture of lukewarm water containing 4 tbsp henna, one egg, and some lemon juice. Apply the mixture thoroughly and rinse it off with shampoo after 2-3 hours.

A mixture of lemon and henna helps maintain the oiliness of your scalp it also maintains the pH of your scalp.


3. Lemon juice, olive oil, and castor oil:

Lemon juice and olive oil

Make a mixture of some lemon juice with 1 tbsp of olive oil and 1 tbsp castor oil.

Apply the mixture by massaging it on your scalp. Wash it off after an hour.

Vitamin E, mineral, and protein-rich castor oil content are very beneficial. Also, ricinoleic acid and Omega 6 in castor oil improve scalp blood circulation and hair growth.


4. Lemon juice, camphor, and coconut oil:

Heat about 3 tbsp of coconut oil. Introduce a few camphor oil drops and 1 tbsp of lemon. Application of the mixture includes gently massaging it on your scalp. Rinse it off after 15 minutes.


Precautions to be followed while using lemon:

  • People with sensitive skin should keep away from using lemon. It is because of the acidic nature of lemon that it can cause redness and inflammation of your scalp on excessive usage. In such cases, a patch test can be beneficial. After being aware of your sensitivity, you can proceed with the above process to grow healthy hair.
  • Excessive use of lemon can cause dryness and irritation of your scalp, so it is prescribed to use it at the optimal level.

Side effects include

  • Redness of scalp
  • Dryness of scalp
  • Burning and stinging sensation of the scalp



1. What are the benefits of drinking lemon juice?

Lemon juice is a low-calorie beverage with high vitamin c content. It contains traces of potassium as well. Properties of lemon that act as a boon are anti-oxidant, antibacterial properties. It not only helps in your hair care but also does improve your skin.


2. How often can you use lemon juice?

Depending on your scalp type, you can include lemon in your hair care routine once a week.


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The array of nutrients present in lemon proves to be very much beneficial.

It helps in improving your scalp health and also increases hair growth. The acidic pH, antibacterial property, and oxidizing nature of lemon are the key factors that make this little fruit a miracle.

First, you need to decide the issue you want to cure and then use the appropriate hair mask. For best results, use lemon juice once a week.

Note: If you encounter any adverse effects, surely contact your dermatologist.

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