Why We Should Reconnect With Lullabies?

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Lullabies are one of the oldest ways to get the little ones to sleep. They exist in every language and culture, so most of us have grown up listening to them. 

As a parent, guardian or caretaker, you might have recalled and sang the same lullabies to calm your babies.

In such a fast-paced world, some parents prefer to play pre-recorded, calming music so the children can sleep easy. However, there is something special about singing the same lullabies to them.

So, what are the reasons to reconnect with lullabies? To find out, continue reading this article!


5 Reasons to reconnect with lullabies

Reasons to reconnect with lullabies

Singing lullabies naturally comes to parents and guardians. However, there seems to be some neglect in today’s day and age.

To find out why lullabies are needed and how they can help us in the long run, continue reading this article.


Reason #1 – It helps nurture the parent-child relationship.

- It helps nurture the parent-child relationship.

When parents sing lullabies, the child experiences comfort, trust, and homeliness, especially when their mothers sing to them. In turn, this entire process builds emotional intimacy between the parent and the child.

Most mothers would know that singing lullabies to children releases the same hormone as the ones released when breastfeeding.

For those who do not know, this hormone is known as oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone associated with feelings of love, trust, empathy, and relationship-building.

Moreover, mothers sing these lullabies in a high-pitched tone as children respond to higher notes faster than lower notes. In fact, according to a study, infants like listening to higher-pitched musical notes!


Reason #2 – It allows the parent and child to connect with family, heritage, and culture.

Lullabies are universally acknowledged, accepted, and celebrated. Every region has its own lullaby, which makes it so unique! Thus, singing lullabies, especially in the native language, helps the child be familiar with the family history, culture, etc.

If you read Lisa Bonnar’s research on Life and Lullabies, she claims that “singing evoked inner representations and memories of her mother singing to her when she was a child“.

As the child grows up to be a guardian or a parent, they will remember the lullabies their parents sang. In turn, they will sing the same lullabies to their children.

This tradition of singing lullabies is an easy way to educate children about family and lineage cultural aspects, such as history, folklore, language, etc.


Reason #3 – It relaxes the child, which helps in inducing sleep.

It relaxes the child, which helps in inducing sleep.

According to an article written by the Harvard Music Lab, singing lullabies relax the child.

Another study has found that singing lullabies lower the child’s blood pressure levels. 

Lullabies are sung in a high-tone and soothing voice, especially when sung by their mothers. As mentioned in the first point, singing in a high-pitched tone helps gain the child’s attention. The soothing voice calms the child as and when they grow familiar.

Therefore, when the child listens to a voice and tune that is relaxing and familiar to them, it naturally helps them sleep better.


Reason #4 – It helps the child with cognitive development skills.

According to a study, infants who do not listen to their mothers sing lullabies often may experience a decline in brain maturation.

When Gunes & Gunes conducted their research on the “Effects of Lullabies on Children“, they mentioned an anecdote in their abstract on how a woman wanted to know when to educate her child.

In the same anecdote, when the scholar learned that her child is already 5 years old, they said the child’s education starts in the mother’s womb! Therefore, it is advisable to communicate with the baby through stories and lullabies.

In fact, a study has found that fetuses as young as 25 weeks respond to the mother’s sound.

When a child has constant exposure to lullabies, they slowly and gradually start picking up on some of the words and lyrics. This is because music helps stimulate and develop their cognitive and linguistic skills faster. Therefore, children respond to music better than everyday speech.


Reason #5 – It inculcates a feeling of familiarity and routine in the child (and the parent).

Lullabies usually have a calming and repetitive tone. Most of the lines sung have the same musicality and rhythm, which also helps the child recognize the lullaby’s tune. 

As mentioned in the fourth point, children respond to their mother’s sound when they are just 25 weeks old, and when they do, it helps the child calm down and fall asleep.

Thus, singing lullabies is a practical introductory concept for the child to relax and sleep during bedtime, afternoon naps, or waking up in the middle of the night.

Moreover, as important as it is to establish a child’s routine, it is equally essential for the parent to stick to the same routine. It is usual for new parents to be exhausted while taking care of their children.

As the parent or guardian sings these lullabies, the child gradually gets used to them. They slowly begin to recognize the tune and feel relaxed and realize that these lullabies help them fall asleep as they grow older.

Therefore, singing lullabies build a routine and eventually help the child get sound sleep according to their schedule.


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Lullabies are one of the oldest and most beautiful ways to connect with children. They continue to pass on from one generation to the other and have the same impact throughout.

When a parent, guardian, or caretaker sings lullabies to their children, it builds a nurturing and trusting relationship between them.

Moreover, it is an easy way for children to gradually learn a language, improve their cognition, and help them get into a routine.

As they grow older, they understand their culture through the same lullabies and thus teach its essence to their children.

There is something truly magical about singing lullabies that no recorded music can match.

Have you ever sung lullabies to your children? Feel free to share your experiences with our readers in the comment section below. Do not forget to stay connected with this page for more articles!

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