How To Store A Memory Foam Mattress (The Right Way)

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Memory foam is a very recent invention in the sphere of sleep technology. So, you may not be aware of its characteristics and what exactly you need to do in order to store it properly and keep it in optimal condition for the longest possible time. This article shall provide you with all the necessary details and even address some FAQs, so do not worry- we’ve got you covered!


A Step By Step Guide On How To Store Memory Foam Mattress

You will need to buy-

  1. A plastic bag fit for containing a mattress/ a waterproof mattress cover
  2. Duct tape
  3. Vacuum bag

Step 1: Cleaning the mattress

Vacuuming the Mattress

Clean the mattress with a vacuum cleaner. Do it thoroughly; make sure you vacuum the corners and sides too. Then, put it out in the sun so that any remnants (example: dust mites) may be eradicated. It also gets rid of any lingering smell. Try not to soak the bed when you are cleaning it. Memory foam has air pockets in it which can get filled with water and that will create a hospitable environment for moulds to fester and grow.


Step 2: Wrap it in a Plastic Mattress Bag

Mattress Bag

Then, find a plastic mattress bag that is large enough and get to work on fitting your mattress into it. You must do it with care. Check if the bag you’re using is free of dust, dirt and moisture or not. It should not have any holes or tears. Do not try to stuff the mattress into the bag if it does not fit; it must go in comfort and there should be no ripples or creases on it. The bag should cover the mattress from front to end.

Although folding your best memory foam mattress for any duration is generally not advised, if it is a necessity, you can fold your mattress or roll it up before putting it in storage. Do not keep it like that for more than 3 weeks, else it will sustain damage.


Step 3: Make the bag Airtight

Vacuum Cleaner

The next step is making the bag airtight. Get a vacuum cleaner and insert its mouth into the mattress bag. Start the machine and the suction created will remove the air from inside the bag and compress it. The entire process will take about a minute or two.


Step 4: Seal the Opening

Now secure the open ends of the bag with duct tape. This will ensure that no air enters the bag.


Step 5: Transport it

Mattress On Top Of Car

If you have to transport the mattress, and you did not roll it, you must place the mattress on top of your car, or in the storage unit of a truck. Secure it in place so that it does not fall off or move around. If you did fold it, you can place it in the backseat of your car.


Step 6: Keep at Clean Place

Now for the last step. The storage unit or room you choose to keep your mattress in must be free of any dirt, dust, insects and moisture and should have a moderate temperature. Also, the mattress should not be in direct contact with the sun for too long.

Try not to use your basement, attic or garage for storage because those rooms experience extremes of temperatures. If memory foam is stored at a very cold temperature it may become hard and inflexible. It would have to come in contact with body heat and weight to regain its softness. On the other hand, the heat shall lower its viscosity and cause it to become too soft.

Please note: You can roll up the mattress and follow this process if you plan to transport the mattress because that will not take much time and the memory foam will not be affected. However, if you’re planning to store it, DO NOT fold it. Memory foam is a material that is made to mold itself around anything it touches. If you roll it and keep it like that for an extended period of time, it will retain that shape and become practically useless.


Dos and Don’ts of Storing Memory Foam Mattress

Memory foam is a delicate material that requires special care. So, before we delve into the process of storing it, let’s address what you should definitely not do, first.


  • Do not store it upright, or on its side. It cannot support its own weight, so it will start hunching and gradually lose its shape. Always lay it out flat on the ground.
  • Do not ever fold it and store it. It might keep as a good option because you can save some space that way, but it is going to ruin the shape of the mattress permanently, ruin its rigidity and create lumps. But if you must, you can keep one folded for not more than 3 weeks, else it will sustain damage.
  • Do not keep any object on the mattress; over time the object will sink into it and make an impression on the surface. If left for a longer period of time, the change might also become irreversible.
  • Do not keep your mattress on the ground if you can help it- it wastes space and in the unlikely event of a flood the mattress might get soaked if it is not properly covered. Try to keep it at an elevated position.



  • You should always lay the mattress out flat when you are putting it in storage because that is its default position. You could even set up an extra bed frame inside your storage unit and keep the mattress on top of that. If not, you could create a sort of boundary around the mattress using cardboard.
  • Keep memory foam away from moisture. It’ll cause the adhesives holding the layers of the mattress together to become weak. It might also cause mould to fester in the material, which will spoil the entire mattress and make it unfit for use.
  • Remember to remove the bedding before storing it.
  • Keep your mattress clean; any sort of dirt is difficult to remove and spilt liquids take a long time to dry and are also difficult to clean, so it’s best to take all the necessary precautions in order to make sure your mattress remains spotless during storage.
  • Check up on the state of the mattress every few weeks and make sure to turn it over at least four times a year in order to evenly redistribute its weight, else it will start sinking on its own. Flipping the mattress regularly will help maintain its shape. If the mattress is in use you can rotate it from time to time else it will start sinking on its own, naturally, because of body weight.
  • Do clean the mattress and aerate it for a couple of hours after taking it out of storage and before using it again.



1. What is memory foam made of?

Memory foam is made out of a type of polyurethane (which is a polymer). It is also known as low-resilience polyurethane foam (LRPu). It consists of chemicals which increase its viscosity and density and give it its characteristic softness.


2. For how long can you store a memory foam mattress?

You can store a memory foam mattress for as long as you want but you cannot keep it in one position for more than 2-3 months at a stretch. You must flip it over. This will ensure that the mattress retains its shape and doesn’t lose its rigidity. Owing to its properties, when not in use, the mattress will start sagging and sink down over time.


3. What can you do with a memory foam mattress when you no longer need it?

Fortunately, memory foam is recyclable, so you can carry it to the nearest recycling centre and get rid of it without creating waste.


4. Can I place 2 memory foam mattresses on top of each other?

No, it would not be wise to stack memory foam mattresses on top of each other. The one on top will weigh down on the bottom one and start squashing it. A depression will form on the bottom mattress, which may become permanent over time if left like that.



We understand that the process of dealing with products you are not familiar with can be frustrating and stressful. We hope that this article helped answer all your queries. Did our tips help you in any way? Do share your experience with us in the comments down below!

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