8 Easy Ways to Increase Hair Density

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Losing your hair can be stressful. It is a paradox that stress also leads to hair fall. Nevertheless, it is something that we all must have experienced at some point in our life. It might have gone away with a change in the shampoo or by changing the diet.

But everybody is not that lucky. Approximately 60.3% of people suffer from hair fall, and baldness is found in over 50.4% of the Indian population. These numbers are alarming as they are increasing every year. But you can overturn this situation by increasing your hair density.


How is Hairfall Related to Hair Density?

Hair Density

In simple terms, hair density denotes the number of strands on your scalp. Generally, it is calculated as the number of hair strands per sq inch on your scalp. On average, a person has around 2200 hair strands per square inch on their scalps.

Hair density is classified as thick, medium, and thin. People prefer having thick hair as they get the liberty of styling them in several ways. On the other hand, people with thin hair have to resort to volumising products to add lustre and thickness. This process can be cumbersome as well as expensive.

So, what do hair density and hair fall have in common? Well, the answer is rather uncomplicated as hair density goes beyond the thickness of the strand.

If you have more hair strands on your scalp, your hair will appear thicker. When there is a loss of hair patches, it can lead to your hair looking thin and dead.

On that account, it is important to reduce hair fall to increase the hair density.


What Causes Low Hair Density?

Before we get to the solutions, it is our duty to shine some light on the root cause. By understanding this, you can remove the root cause in the future.

The following are some of the reason why you could be dealing with low hair density:



Some time might not be in your hand from the beginning. If you are born with low hair density, it will be difficult for you to change that. A hair follicle is the part of the skin on your head through which the hair grows out. There is no technology yet that could increase the number of hair follicles.

Moreover, other biological factors like hormones could cause a thin hair density. For example, puberty causes hormonal changes that could lead to hair fall, hair damage, and lower hair density.


Dietary Issues

Dietary Issues

Eating lots of junk food will pull you away from your dream of having long and thick hair. If your diet is not filled with vitamin B3 and C, you will notice a significant and negative change in your hair density.

Add food items like eggs, fatty fish, sweet potatoes, almonds, fresh fruits and vegetables. These will improve your hair density while also making you healthy overall.


Stress or Illness

Stress or Illness

Stress and hair fall are related on a deeper level. According to studies, three types of hair losses are related to lower hair density.

Firstly, due to Telogen effluvium, your hair follicles may go into a resting place.

Secondly, Trichotillomania can make you pull out of hair from your body and scalp. This can be triggered by stress or frustration.

Lastly, Alopecia areata attacks the hair follicles. This causes hair loss to a very large extent.


Lack of Hair Care

Lack of Hair Care

Your hair will only be your companion as long as you take care of it. Hair density could get lower in the absence of proper maintenance. You must brush your hair regularly to promote healthy blood circulation. Oiling your hair once in a while can also do wonders!


8 Ways to Improve Hair Density:

There is no textbook answer through which you could overturn your hair density in a single night. Haircare is a long-term procedure that requires dedication and consistency.

If you want to retain or regain your hair density and flaunt new hairstyles, read ahead. Our team of experts have consulted several Trichologists (hair and scalp specialists) to formulate the following solutions:


1. Use the Right Shampoo and Conditioner:

The next time you buy shampoo, look beyond the brand and focus on the components. Several elements in a low-quality shampoo that often goes unnoticed can potentially enhance hair damage.

You must look out for Sodium Chloride. This is mainly added to increase the consistency of the product but can lead to hair loss and lower hair density.

You might be tempted to get the best-smelling shampoo or condition. But beware, as synthetic fragrances contain plenty of chemicals. It can lead to hair loss, in addition to other serious illness like asthma or cancer.

If you want an effective anti-hair fall shampoo, go for the one that will have collagen, rice protein, keratin, zinc, biotin, etc. Such components will strengthen your hair while also nourishing them.

Moreover, activated charcoal or wintergreen derived salicylic acid can remove the impurities from the hair follicle. This allows extensive hair growth.


2. Wash your Hair Gently:

Wash your Hair Gently

Buying the right shampoo and conditioner only gets half the job done. It is necessary to wash your hair at regular intervals with utmost gentleness.

People assume that they must wash their hair rigorously while scrubbing their scalp. But you must gently clean your scalp with your fingers. Do not try to scrub it with your nails, as it can cause infections or abrasions. Avoid shampooing their hair tips as they will be cleaned and taken care of by the conditioner.

Once you have lathered your scalp with shampoo, rinse it thoroughly. Try using lukewarm water for the rinsing process.

Apply the conditioner away from the scalp and only on the tips of your hair. For reference, you can start conditioning your hair 3 inches away from the scalp. Try to massage your hair after applying the conditioner to facilitate blood circulation

Rinse with lukewarm or cold water and ensure that the product is entirely removed from the scalp and hair tips.

Avoid washing your hair more than three times a week. Overdoing it can strip the essential oils from the scalp.

Never scrub the scalp with your nails, as that can cause abrasions and attract infections.


3. Massage your Scalp can Boost Hair Density:

Massage your Scalp

Massaging the scalp with oil is often frowned up as people believe that shampooing it later will strip the required oils. But that is not entirely true.

A regular oil massage can help you control your hair fall and improve hair density. It promotes blood circulation and strengthens the roots.

All of this leads to better hair growth and thick hair.

You can use coconut oil, olive oil, or argan oil for hair massage. Do not overdo it and limit it to once or twice a week.


4. Change your Diet:

Change your Diet

A healthy diet can bring several benefits to the table. A simple change in your diet can improve the growth, texture, and density of your hair.

Fill your diet with food containing vitamin B3, B6, acid, zinc, antioxidants, folic acid, etc. Besides that, vitamin D can help stimulate hair follicles, iron can help in improving iron deficiency, and Vitamin C makes it easier for the body to absorb the iron.

Foods with omega-3 fatty acids can help with hair shedding, and biotin can stimulate hair growth.

The following food items can improve the quality of your hair to a large extent:

  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Avocado
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Milk
  • Fish
  • Yoghurt
  • Oatmeal
  • Lentils

You can get a proper and comprehensive diet plan from your doctor or dietician.


5. Use Aloe Vera Gel Increase Hair Density:

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is known to improve hair quality as well as minimise damage. It helps in soothing and conditioning the scalp. Moreover, it unblocks the hair follicles and helps in enhancing healthy hair growth.

You can take some fresh and natural aloe vera gel in your palm and massage it in your scalp. Lather it all over without missing any spot. Cover the hair for an hour, and then rinse it with warm water. This will leave your hair shining and nourished

You can also make hair masks for better results.

Take some aloe vera gel and mix it with castor oil. Apply this solution to your hair and keep it overnight. Wash your hair in the morning. This will help you get your desired hair quality if you use this hair mask regularly.

Mix some aloe vera gel with henna, yoghurt, and coconut oil. Once the mixture is prepared, let it sit for half an hour. Apply it to your scalp. Cover all areas and wear a shower cap for an hour. Wash it with a mild shampoo. This will leave your hair nourished, hydrated, and strong. If you use this one a week, you will notice substantial differences in hair growth and density.

Lastly, apple cider vinegar can help you along the process of better hair growth. Mix it with aloe vera gel and olive oil. Apply it to the scalp and tips and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cold water.


6. Use Fenugreek Seeds:

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds, or methi, can go a long way in ensuring healthy hair growth.

This homemade technique has been sitting for years as people still haven’t realised the importance of fenugreek seeds. As they are rich in Vitamin C, they are a go-to food item that can help with hair density and growth.

Along with improving the quality of your hair, it also reduces dryness and makes it shiny and smooth.

Besides Vitamin C and protein, it contains iron that helps with blood circulation. This can help in fighting grey hair. Lastly, nicotinic acid boosts hair density while enhancing hair volume

You can utilise fenugreek seeds in several ways.

Soak some seeds in water overnight. Then following day, put them in the mixer with lemon juice. Blend it properly to make a proper mixture. Once it is ready, apply it to your scalp and hair tips. Let it sit for half an hour and wash it with a mild shampoo.

Another hair pack can be prepared by mixing fenugreek paste with curd and honey. Apply this paste on your hair tips and leave it for 30 minutes. Rinse it with cold water and shampoo.

If you do not want to make a paste, simply soak the seeds in water overnight and drink it in the morning. Do this every day for two months. You will not only see a drastic change in your digestion but also see improvement in hair density and growth.


7. Use Eggs on Head Can Inrease Hair Growth:


Applying eggs on your hair may give you some irk, but according to experts, it is a proven way to improve hair quality.

Eggs are filled with nutrients like proteins and minerals. These help in restoring the quality of the hair as well as its smoothness. Along with that, it benefits when it comes to improving hair growth. As our hair contains 75% protein, eggs help in nourishing our hair, from the scalp to the roots.

Mix one egg with fenugreek powder and add one spoon of henna. Mix it well and apply the mixture to your scalp. Let it sit for 30 minutes and wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

You can also try mixing one egg with banana and coconut oil. Once it is prepared, apply it to your scalp and let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse it off after it is dry.

Lastly, you can also mix egg with aloe vera gel. Apply it to your scalp and use a comb to brush it down. Ensure that the mixture is applied to your scalp as well as the hair. Let it sit for 20 minutes and rinse it off.

When an egg is mixed with nourishing ingredients, it helps the hair facilitate and improve hair growth. This can have a direct correlation with hair density.


8. Relieving Stress and Tension Can Increse Hair Groth:

Relive the Stress

No good has ever come from stressing too much. Not only does it have mental and psychological repercussions, but it can also lead to hair damage and hair fall. Regardless of hair density also have a genetic factor to it, you can try several techniques to improve hair growth.

You can maintain your stress levels with the following techniques:

  • Daily exercising
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Sleeping at a reasonable hour
  • Deep breathing
  • Moderate your caffeine and alcohol intake
  • Stop smoking



Is it possible to improve hair density?

Even though hair density depends on several biological factors and genetics, you can alter your diet and lifestyle to increase hair growth. Moreover, brushing your hair regularly while using a good shampoo can go a long way in improving hair density.


Which vitamin is best for hair?

Studies show that Vitamin-B is the best when it comes to hair growth. It is also known as biotin. It is also used as a hair loss treatment by professionals.

B-vitamins carry nutrients and oxygen to the scalp, thereby improving hair growth. It can be found in seafood, whole grains, and leafy vegetables.


What drink helps hair growth?

Kiwi juice, onion juice, aloe vera juice, and cucumber juice are some of the best options for improving hair growth and density.



Dealing with constant hair loss can be frustrating. Moreover, watching your hair grow thin every time you tie it in a ponytail can take away your confidence. Believe us; we have all been there. But with the help of the techniques mentioned earlier, you can avoid such situations in the future.

Finally, besides that, you must always try to remain stress-free and happy. Only a healthy mind can lead to a healthy body and healthy hair growth.

So, adhere to the solutions and be ready to flaunt your thick and nourished hair with utmost confidence!

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