How Much Hair Fall is Normal?

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Have you been noticing hair fall lately? If the answer is in the affirmative, you must be wondering whether you should be concerned or not. Questions like how much hair fall is normal must be arising in your mind. We get it because hair fall woes can be the worst.

In this article, you will know how much hair fall is expected and when you should be concerned about it. Backed by research, we have also covered for you the possible underlying causes of excessive hair fall. You will also read what all you can do to deal with your hair loss problems.


How Much Hair Fall is Normal?

It is pretty normal to shed some hair and nothing to be worried about. As per the report of  American Academy of Dermatologists, shedding 50 – 100 hairs every day is pretty okay. We all shed around this much hair on a daily basis, and it should not be worrisome.

However, it is a matter of concern when you notice an increase in the volume of hair you are losing. It is unusual to lose clumps of hair each day. That is when you need help. There are many underlying causes that may result in excessive hair fall. Let’s look at what they are.


4 Causes of Excessive Hair Fall

Here are a few of the factors that could be the cause of your hair fall.

1. Stress


Excessive loss of hair is often attributed to stress. This study also suggests that stress can be one of the factors causing hair loss. However, once that phase of stress is over, your hair will start regrowing normally.

Stress can take a toll on your overall body, and not just hair. Therefore, it is vital for you to manage your stress.


2. Lack of a proper diet

Apart from that, our nutrition intake plays a significant role in our hair health. As per the study, the inadequacy of protein in your diet may lead to hair loss problems. Keratin, which is a form of protein, is a significant component of our hair.

Deficiency of protein may lead the hair to lose elasticity and become dry and prone to breakage; hence improving your chances of excessive hair fall.


3. Use of certain drugs and medication

As per the same report, there are also certain kinds of drugs that might contribute to hair loss. There are many such medications whose side effects include hair loss.


4. Excessive styling of hair

Styling of Your Hair

Another factor that may lead to a considerable amount of hair loss, especially in women, is excessive styling. Using heat-based products on regular basis can damage your hair; which, in turn, can be responsible for hair fall. Excessive washing and brushing your hair can also compromise the hair follicles.

Using coloring and other such products on hair, especially without professional supervision can also take a toll on your hair.


5. Heredity and genetics

Your heredity might also decide the condition of your hair. Department of Community Health, Wright State University School of Medicine, Dayton, Ohio, USA. report concludes that the probability of hair loss in men does have a link with family history and age. If a man’s father has hair loss, there is a chance and a greater risk of the man suffering hair loss too.

Age and pollution are also factors that can lead to an increase in hair fall.


5 Ways to Prevent Hair Loss?

There are quite a few things that you can do for your hair to keep it healthier and hence reduce potential hair fall. Let’s discuss.

1. Take care of your nutrition

Take care of your nutrition

Not just for your hair, but this one is for your body’s overall wellness. Be mindful of the things you eat and also the quantity of them. Take your vitamins and your proteins. In case you feel you have a deficiency, see a dietician or a doctor.

A proper diet is necessary for your body to function appropriately and also for your hair to grow and stay healthy.


2. Be careful about how you treat and style your hair

You have to be a little more careful about what styles you try on your hair. It is okay to experiment with your hair, but you need to make sure that the experiment is not damaging.

Tie your hair in loose ponytails or braids. Securing your hair too tightly might pull on your hair, making them more prone to breakage.

Be gentle while you comb or wash your hair. In fact, many people vigorously rub their hair while towel-drying it.

Bleaching your hair and using heating tools to style it can also damage hair. Avoid it as much as you can.


3. Use gentle products for your hair

Use gentle products for your hair

Use a mild shampoo for your hair, and always condition it using a good conditioner. It can help improve the strength of your hair. A lot of the shampoos can be harsh on your hair and strip it of the oil that adds moisture to your hair. Try changing your shampoo if you feel it does not suit you or has not helped you.

You should also avoid hot oil massaging your hair to prevent more heat damage.


4. Supplementation

As per this AAD report, you should think before taking supplements and do your own research. It is crucial to know if you are deficient in any nutrient. If you end up taking more nutrients than required, that can also lead to problems.

Through a blood test, you can quickly figure out whether you have a specific nutrient deficiency. After that, you can go for supplements, as prescribed by your doctor. Remember to only buy these supplements from trusted sources.


5. Therapies and treatments

If you have severe hair loss and hair-care doesn’t seem to be doing enough, there are various treatments that you can undergo. Hair transplant and injections or micro-needling are a few of the procedures that your dermatologist may suggest to you if need be.

In a chronic hair condition like Alopecia areata, which leads to bald scalp patches, treatment using steroids or corticosteroids might be suggested, as per Ibrahim K AL Aradi.


6. Quit smoking

Quit Smoking

This one might sound a little irrelevant, but it is not really. As per the report, smoking has an adverse effect on hair cells, just like it has on the skin. Smoking has been associated with baldness. Cigarette smoke can affect the dermal hair papilla and cause damage to the DNA of the hair follicle; thereby increasing your chances of hair fall.

Hence, it is advised to quit smoking to save your hair from breaking off.



1. Can certain hairstyles cause my hair to break, leading to hair fall?

There are many hairstyles that can prove to be damaging to your hair. For example, tying your ponytails too tight can constrict your hair and pull it tightly, leading to pressure in the hair follicles. This can lead to hair fall since your hair gets weaker. It would be great to tie your hair in looser hairstyles. It is healthy for hair and will also save it from shedding.


2. What causes hair loss in women during pregnancy?

There are many hormonal changes that take place in female bodies during pregnancy. First, there is a hair growth stage due to the increased levels of estrogen. It is followed by the shedding stage, wherein hair loss occurs. After that, the hair cycle returns to normal.


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By now, you must have a fair idea regarding the hair shedding patterns and whether it is normal in your case or not. Be relaxed about the regular hair shedding, as it is totally normal.

However, if you experience a weird and unusual hair fall, try seeing a dermatologist. Doing so will help you understand the root causes behind your hair fall better, and you will be able to treat the problem effectively.

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